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When a person is no longer able to manage their finances, they will need someone trustworthy to help them. By creating a conservatorship before they need help, a person can rest easy knowing that the law will protect them and hold the person managing their assets accountable. However, these laws and tasks can be complicated.
For decades, clients have relied on the lawyers at Hinojosa & Forer LLP for their skill in conservatorship administration. Our firm offers clear guidance to protect both the conservator and the conservatee. We deliver counsel in a way that is both easy to understand and effective.
When the conservatee becomes incapacitated, the conservatorship process can start. After a successful petition to the court for conservatorship or guardianship, the conservator or guardian may begin their duties.
These appointments come with serious responsibilities and standards. As a conservator, failing to meet these standards would make you subject to liability under California law.
Following a court-approved petition, our experienced attorneys help conservatorships fulfill their responsibilities, including:
Although maintaining someone else’s estate can be intricate and challenging, our lawyers are attentive to the details. We can facilitate these tasks and help you avoid breaching fiduciary duty. We also represent various parties in conservatorship litigation cases.
To learn more about our assistance in conservatorship and guardianship administration, call 310-473-7000 or send an email to our attorneys in Los Angeles to schedule a meeting.
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